Monday, June 4, 2012

The way forward

Once, I had a mom. She had red hair and was the most crazy cleaning, laundry doing person I had ever met. To say that my mom and I did not get along would be somewhat of an understatement. I think the best phrase to summarize our relationship is "the opposite of love isn't hate, it's indifference," (I read that in the book Something Borrowed). The indifference meant daily screaming matches, insults and flaring tempers. There was a long time when the very sound of her saying my name when she called would immediately set me on the edge of screaming. I used to wonder what it was like to consider your mom a friend.

Then, my mom was diagnosed with stage 3 colon cancer. She had a few surgeries, underwent radiation and chemotherapy. She got to keep her red hair. I wish I could say that our relationship was better, that we both realized the seriousness of her diagnosis and we cherished our time together from that moment on but we didn't. It was hard to close the gap that had been many, many years in the making. I couldn't forgive the years of hurt and I didn't want to. I was so angry with her. She fought with her body for 4 years. She bravely and willingly took poison into her body to try and stay around longer for us all. She kept the house clean, the laundry done and all of us fed like nothing was wrong. 

Now, she is gone. Reduced to nothing more than memories and whatever lies in the porcelain urn in my bedroom. I forgive her now and can even let myself miss her- something I though I never would feel. It sucks. There are days where it doesn't feel real, days where I slip and say something about her in the present tense. And then there is that moment where the stab of pain comes- swift and sharp to remind me that she only exists in the past. She'll never plan a wedding shower for me, never hold my future children in her arms and spoil them and she will never be there for me to talk to. The only thing I can do now is keep moving and and find my way forward.

Tuesday, November 8, 2011

I've got a freebie!

I've been absent for a while. Last week was my birthday and I am getting ready to wrap up a busy season at my job.

I had some spare time today so I thought I would try to make something that people might want to use. I know it's a little early for Christmas or any of the other gift giving holidays but this year I am trying to stay organized and ahead of the game.

Usually Christmas sneaks up on my and I find myself scrambling to shop and get things done.

So I made this printable holiday gift guide that I will be using and jotting down ideas on. And I decided to share it with whoever wants it. It's in pdf form and you can download it from

Here's what it looks like

and here's where you can get it: Get the gift guide!

Tuesday, October 25, 2011

Things I love in the month of October

While I'd love to share some awesome tutorials, I'm afraid I don't have much in the how-to department.

However, I would like to share some of the things that I have tried this month and really like. So, I will list all of these things here with the reasons why I'm loving them.

First off, my TOMS shoes.

I first heard about TOMS shoes years ago when my favorite band partnered with them during a trip to Africa to help spread the word about how many children go without shoes everyday. I liked their quirky, simple design but I was skeptical for a long time that these babies would support my feet and actually be comfortable to wear. After many years of admiring them from afar, I broke down and bought a pair. 

I chose the classic black pair and I love love love them!  They fit my foot almost like a sock and are very lightweight. And oh boy are they comfortable! I would wear them every day if I could. I am just hoping that snow stays away from Michigan for a little while longer so I can enjoy my shoes. I go to bed each night hoping that little elves will come into my room and magically make me the other 5 pairs that I have my eye on.
I also really like their one for on campaign. For every shoe that is purchased, TOMS will donate one pair to a child in need. Please check them out: TOMS Shoes

Next up: Aquage Uplifting Foam has been my limp hair's night in shining armor!
 I first heard about this from a hairdresser that does tutorials on youtube and her blog. I followed her advice and now I can't live without this stuff. It's like a mousse but seriously way better because it sticks to your roots and gives them lift in a way no hair product ever has before. It's so easy to apply and style, it adds no time to my morning routine. To see how it's done, follow the link to the blog and watch the video. Happy styling!


Last on my list this month is my Origins oil cleanser- yep you read that right, I am cleaning my face with oil.

I have suffered from acne for over half my life and now as an adult, I am getting pretty tired of it. I've tried so many acne washes and soaps that just don't seem to do a thing to help my face. I've tried fancy products like Proactive, and recently I was using Dove's moisturizing soap but that too has seemed to have lost it's power. Which landed me at trying something completely different. An oil cleanser. The science behind this is that like dissolves like- oil dissolves oil. 

I have only been using this product for about three weeks and so far, it has been great. My face was going through a shiny phase that I was not happy about and this product seems to have cured it. I use it twice a day (morning and night) but I am thinking of switching to just using it in the evening as I am finding it to be just a tad drying to my face.

Monday, October 24, 2011

Hello blog world!

      Just like the tag line says, I'm just your ordinary girl writing her thoughts down to share with the world. I wanted to start this blog to share things with people who might find them amusing, helpful, funny or at least entertaining enough to be worth their time.